EXCLUSIVE: Transcript of Joe Biden Workshopping His 2020 Presidential Announcement

Zero Balance has obtained a transcript of a secret Joe Biden announcement workshop from Boatshoe Strategies, a DC-based consultancy firm.

Below is a transcript Zero Balance has obtained from a secret workshop with former Vice President Joe Biden for his 2020 announcement. The group hired to create the announcement was Boatshoe Strategies, a DC-based consultancy firm staffed entirely by bocce ball scholarship winners.

Consultant (C): How about we reverse decision and announce in Charlottesville, but do a 38 minute rambling video log about the new She-Ra cartoon in the driver’s seat? Ooh, in the spirit of bipartisanship, do it in the car that killed Heather Heyer.

Joe Biden (JB): No – too sweaty. I also can’t find my phone.

C: Maybe you could marry a Neo Nazi and a Rabbi in the Mall of America?

JB: Do they have those fried elephant ear things? Also, why would we need to campaign in Wisconsin?

C: It’s in Minnesota, sir.

(Biden makes an annoyed grunting sound.)

C: Donate $50,000 (for the troops) to Trump’s “Win a Chance to Press the Button on a Drone Strike” raffle?

JB: Was gonna do that anyway.

C: Well, you have a certain “image problem” with women, no pun intended. Hmm. You could give comforting backrubs to sexual assault survivors!

JB: Brunettes only.

(Biden takes out a lock of human hair from his pocket and takes a deep whiff of it.)

C: Black people, we need them. Do an NAACP dinner in blackface, but only to show everyone how really offensive it is.

JB: It worked for Ralph what-his-nuts. He’s still governor of something, isn’t he? Ehhn, just don’t find minstrels funny.

C: Make your campaign website on Wix! Do a whole partnership thing!

JB: Is that a cereal? Not doing this solo run shit a third time on a cereal.

C: I dunno, sir. Maybe just power through your 4 decades of shitty votes and policies on the dry fart of Obama’s post-presidency?

Biden’s eyes glaze over white, as if he is a great white shark about to attack. His mouth opens to reveal many rows of tiny, razor sharp teeth.