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vOtE fOr uS: The Illustrated Dem Debate #2 Night #2

The anticipation of the second evening of the debates consumed me throughout the day Wednesday. Knowing that in mere hours all my friends would be back on stage speaking directly to me, the voter, was tantalizing.

The moment the pre-game show ended, and the soaring music began, I found serenity. Their soothing voices and inane proposals washed over me. I bathed, luxuriated, in their performances. The democracy flowed through me, seeped out of my every pore.

I shed my fleshy shackles and was transformed. Transformed into a being of pure freedom. I could feel each amendment flow from and through me.

I am become Elektor, Voter of Worlds.

One of the jerks was on about cars and China I’m pretty sure.
He’s been vetted.
This is clearly some kind of metaphor about how much they love the Paris Accord.
Composite sketch of each candidate.
De Blasio didn’t have much more success after this either.
By far the funniest thing said tonight. Where’s the lie? Gabbard justifying her presence.
Biden telling on himself like usual.
Harris doesn’t strike me as a bird, but a parrot with a gun is funny.
I’ve yet to see a more accurate portrait of Michael Bennet
Iraqula. (Joe Biden?)
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Thank you, Misogyny-Ape Joe Biden
Almost certainly Bennet again.
Bird Cop 2020